This blog is dedicated to Poems - in English & Hindi.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Walking Zombie

7:37 AM Posted by Nikita 1 comment

Walking can be tiring if there is no one to walk with you.
It can be depressing when you have nowhere to go.
How would you walk alone, when there are no hands to hold?
Where will it lead you, if not a single creature is there to make it amazing?

Walk down the roads, on the plains, or in corridor,
An empty side will always limit your pace.
Shortened by the steps, not by your aim,
Walking alone is walking like zombie.

You are unnoticed when alone,
Walks becomes insane when in groups,
Walk like a Barbie or like models,
Walking alone is wish unfulfilled.

Surely, you can go to a journey without stop,
You can be yourself with all the thoughts,
Yet, you will just wander in different directions,
As walking alone will never give you a destination.

Walk, walking and walking,
Gives you a constant motion,
But, lonely walks,
Truly makes you a zombie.


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