This blog is dedicated to Poems - in English & Hindi.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm there

3:43 AM Posted by Nikita 1 comment
I’m right behind you,
But you didn’t see me
I’m meaning of of most of your words,
But you didn’t hear me
I have been with you,
But you didn’t feel me
I wanted you to notice me,
But you didn’t saw me
Now, that I have vanished
You have started to care for me.

You can’t sense me,
But I’m there
You think of me,
And I’m there
You whisper my name,
I hear; because I’m there
You cry out loud
And become restless for me
I will appear before youe eyes
As; I’d always been THERE!!

1 comment:

  1. good sentiments... apart from a few grammatical errors, good work overall...
