This blog is dedicated to Poems - in English & Hindi.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Twilight :)

7:48 AM Posted by Nikita 1 comment

It seemed out of darkness I escaped,
Unable to express what I wanted to say,
Searching doors to freedom; because
Like a swing everyone made me sway.

My poor soul; all tortured and tormented
Hearing everyone criticizing me,
I surely needed this get-away; though
For this route, I paid a heavy fee.

But, after the darkness and the black;
Peace and happiness drove in,
Awarding me with costly presents; and
Provided a ‘queen-like’ feeling.

It surely didn’t end as it started,
Every moment I cursed and hated
 Now I am sure things happened for good
And that god can be trusted.

1 comment:

  1. Well written again! I must say you choose a little melancholic style of writing. But then, you've expressed it very well. I've just one small sore point here. Its the third stanza. Somehow, it doesnt click. Maybe because the articulation is a little cliched, or the rhyme seems a little forced. Apart from that, i believe its a beautiful piece of poetry.
