This blog is dedicated to Poems - in English & Hindi.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

it's romantic..

4:11 AM Posted by Nikita No comments
Lying on bed in wintery night, makes me freeze
Hearing rattling of fan from attic
From window; blows soft chilly breeze
All this say : “ it’s romantic.”

Is this the effect of movie or atmosphere?
Questions like this are problematic
Deciding to write it down gripping in fear,
Because don’t want anyone to know, “ it’s romantic”

Sudden footsteps, makes my brain go dead,
Without you, my life pricks
Thinking of you makes me blush and go red
But still I love you; because I think “ it’s romantic”

Writing is my secret, known to few
Treasure which is buried and plays tricks
Still they are empty without you,
Because every breadth makes me feel “ it’s so romantic.”

Air touches my skin so close,
Evoking senses of guilt
Weird way of love; I choose
As I found “ it romantic.”

There I go deep into sleep,
Where I can eat, watch and fix
In dreams you are my keep
Do I have to say agan that “ it’s so romantic?”


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